Course Details


CLA: Programming Essentials in C

  • Course Description

Course Overview:

The Cisco NetAcademy CLA: Programming Essentials in C course offers a comprehensive introduction to the C programming language. Students learn fundamental programming concepts, including variables, data types, loops, functions, and arrays. The course also covers more advanced topics such as pointers, structures, and file handling. Ideal for beginners, it prepares participants to solve complex programming problems and serves as a foundation for advancing in other programming languages and technologies.

What You Will Learn:

  • Understand common computer programming concepts and write your own programs.
  • Learn the syntax, semantics, and basic data types in C.
  • Apply programming skills through hands-on lab activities.
  • Prepare for the C Programming Language Certified Associate Certification (CLA).


The C programming language is considered one of the best first languages to learn. For over 40 years, it has been essential for basic software development tasks. Known for creating operating systems and thousands of applications, it continues to gain new admirers due to its fast and portable nature. Become an admirer and enjoy the rewards it brings! Designed for beginners, no prior programming knowledge is necessary. Learn more about the C Programming Language Certified Associate Certification (CLA).