Course Details


CPA: Programming Essentials in C++

  • Course Description

Course Overview:

The Cisco NetAcademy CPA: Programming Essentials in C++ course teaches the fundamentals of C++ programming. Students learn key concepts such as data types, control flow, functions, classes, objects, and inheritance. The course is ideal for beginners and prepares participants to develop programs in C++ with an object-oriented approach, providing a solid foundation for advancing in software projects and other programming languages.

What You Will Learn:

  • Learn the syntax, semantics, and basic data types in C++.
  • Understand the principles of the object-oriented model.
  • Implement and program in C++ and solve typical implementation challenges using language libraries.
  • Prepare for the C++ Certified Associate Programmer Certification (CPA).


As one of the most well-known programming languages, C++ is praised for its efficiency and ease of use in developing games, real-time systems, and applications with graphic libraries. Take the course to learn the basic programming concepts in C++, along with the essential notions and techniques it uses. Knowledge of C++ applies to jobs in security, networking, and IoT. Don't miss this opportunity. This first course in the two-course series introduces basic concepts and then progressively extends the features. No programming knowledge is required. Learn more about the C++ Certified Associate Programmer Certification (CPA).